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心理学-跨文化 & 国际

学者 / 刑事司法学院 & 社会科学 / 心理学-跨文化 & 国际


With an increasing growth of psychology and mental health needs across the globe, international psychology is becoming a more recognized and relevant discipline. Focusing on communication and collaboration among people worldwide in teaching, 研究, 实践与公共服务, 我们课程的目标就是你们的目标:改善国际关系, 解决全球问题, 促进社会公正, 能力建设和评估文化相互依存.

由于全球范围内心理学的不断发展, international psychology is quickly becoming a more recognized and relevant sub-discipline, 在全球和北美都有.

大学的未来, 社区, 教育, 专业发展有赖于多元化和国际化. 奥德丽奥斯勒, director of the Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights Education at the University of Leeds, asserts that “教育 for living together in an interdependent world is not an optional extra, 但是一个重要的基础.”

作为这个项目的学生, 你会学到主要的理论, 心理学知识的研究与应用. Our cross-cultural and international psychology program is housed within a psychology major, so you’ll obtain a well-rounded 教育 in the psychology field as well as a global specialization.

作为大四学生, you’ll focus on an international population/location – either as part of an internship or 研究 project abroad, or with an international population or cross-cultural issue/problem within the United States. You’ll be able to mix both types of experiences (internship and 研究) based on needs and opportunities.

  • Most psychology programs are general psychology and students don’t have a chance to specialize or focus on interdisciplinary 教育.
  • Our program is designed for those who have a respect for culture and diversity and who want to make a difference in the lives of others.
  • The undergraduate program in psychology at Tiffin University also has concentrations in human services and addictions counseling (which can lead to a chemical dependency counselor license). 你有能力混合浓度作为一个主要和次要的一部分.

教师 who lead the program bring vast knowledge and experience to the classroom. They have extensive practical professional experience as well 研究 experience in the areas they teach. 教师通常是该领域的执业医师.

Teaching is often based on applied case studies and real-life experiences of instructors. This blending of theory and real-world experience will give you a broad-based, 心理问题和概念的实践知识, 心理学理论, 治疗实践, 研究方法, 道德问题及实务, 多元文化意识.

At the end of your program, you’ll be equipped with career-ready knowledge and skills that include:

  • 了解该领域的伦理原则
  • Communication skills, including but not limited to professional writing and presentation skills
  • 解决冲突的技巧
  • 文化能力技能
  • 认识跨文化心理健康问题的知识和技能
  • 关于心理健康治疗循证实践的知识
  • 社会科学研究策略方面的知识和技能

In the cross-cultural and international psychology program, you’ll actively engage in learning. 你将参加小组讨论. 你将参与团队工作. 你会分析案例研究,无论是独立的还是作为一个类. 你将与该领域的专业人士进行面谈.

在一个致力于培养文化意识和能力的项目中, 你将检查自己的偏见,以获得意识. You’ll engage in experiential learning activities as well as 研究 to learn more about various groups and cultures, 你会学到与这些不同人群打交道的技巧.

在课程的最后一年, 你将完成实习, 通常是在社区或社会服务机构, and/or you can do a 研究 project related to a cultural or international issue. 心理学专业学生的实习机会包括:

  • Firelands社区心理健康和戒毒服务
  • 奥丽埃纳的房子, a nonprofit organization offering a range of treatment services for individuals struggling with chemical dependency who are involved in the criminal justice system.
  • 莫里森之家,为严重精神疾病患者提供的居住设施
  • 塞内卡县家庭 & 儿童第一议会
  • 塞内卡县就业和家庭服务中心
  • 塞内卡县青年中心

You’re also encouraged to have a cross-cultural and/or international 教育al experience through an internship, short-term international 教育al trip and/or study abroad semester experience. Tiffin University students have traveled and received college credit for learning in places like Greece, 火鸡, 巴西, 墨西哥, 英国和俄罗斯.


浓度: 跨文化和国际心理学 -每人3小时

  • 心理咨询中的文化能力- 3小时
  • PSY425跨文化和国际心理学- 3小时
  • 和平与社会正义- 3小时
  • 社会多元文化问题(w) - 3小时
  • 接下来的两个- 6小时
    • 语言和/或语言(ARB/SPA)
  • 接下来的两个- 6小时
    • 实习一
    • 实习二
    • SCS491高级研讨会
    • 高级研讨会II

总计 = 24小时

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


心理咨询中的文化能力(CSL430) ——自我意识, knowledge and skill development are required in counseling members of racially and ethnically diverse populations. This course will explore a wide variety of issues regarding diversity and multiculturalism in counseling, 主要关注的是态度, 具备文化能力所需的知识和技能.

社会多元文化问题(SOC360) – Sociopsycho-historical development of sex roles within contemporary society. Analysis of the significant influences social institutions play throughout development of sex roles.


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August



Chemical dependency counselors are in short supply and high demand in the state of Ohio, making employability in the field upon graduation and obtaining licensure highly likely.

  • 成瘾或心理健康案例经理
  • 收养机构
  • 儿童发展专员
  • 社区组织者
  • 文化多样性的教练
  • 药物 & 戒酒康复中心
  • 员工援助计划
  • 寄养机构
  • 研究生院
  • 启智计划
  • 临终关怀中心
  • 国际组织
  • 精神卫生组织
  • 养老院
  • 项目评估者
  • 心理教育专家
  • Research and People-Oriented Jobs in the Criminal Justice and Business Fields (e.g. 人力资源)
  • 集体之家的住宅经理
  • 社会服务协调员
  • 受害者服务机构





“Tiffin University had precisely what I needed and wanted; it had the major I wanted, 我想做的运动, but it was really about the fact that it had an environment that felt like home.”
